The Threshold command allows you to split up an audio document into its component parts by analyzing the amplitude levels in the audio document and setting a cutoff or threshold amplitude. For instance, you might use the Threshold command on a audio document that contains successive notes from a musical instrument (to split them up), or on a drum loop (to break it up into its component parts).
NOTE: The Threshold command will delete all existing markers and loops in an audio document!
To use the Threshold:
1. Make a selection in an audio document and choose Threshold from the DSP menu. After Peak analyzes the amplitudes in the selection, the Threshold dialog will appear, allowing you to select a threshold amplitude.
2. Drag the threshold indicator left or right to set the threshold amplitude. As you drag the indicator, new markers will appear in the audio document forming regions (the area between any two adjacent markers).
3. After the audio document has been thresholded to your satisfaction, you can use the Export Regions command in the File menu to export the separated regions into new windows or files.